ShopBot Jamboree 2010 notes

First and most importantly we want to thank ALL of you that attended the Jamboree...we hope you had as much fun as we did and that you all had a safe trip home. We keep hearing that this was the best Jamboree ever, and you guys are the reason!

We're got a few updates and links that we want to pass on, but first we have a quick question. There have been several attendees that have asked for a list of all the other participants and their email addresses. They would like to be able to continue conversations that started at the Jamboree. At ShopBot we're VERY serious about your privacy and won't pass on email addresses without your permission, but if you would like your name and email address added to a 2010 Jamboree contact list send us an email at with the info that you want included and we'll add you. If we don't hear from you we'll assume it's a NO and won't put you on.

Now on to the links: Thanks for making this year's Jamboree a great success,

Bill, Martha, Dave, Ted, and Bill
the Jamboree team